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SunStainable is a village sustained off the land and a system without money and politics. where we as a people can have our freedom and focus on what our heart desires without having to stress about money or our basic needs (Food, Water, and Shelter)

The land will consist of different projects depending on the team you are creating or want to join. More on these projects on the bottom of this page

The whole idea is to bring together people that want to empower themselves and people around them and create a community of love and growth supported by divine principals. all those who join must have a real plan that is aligned with the greater good for all or a real desire to join one of our existing teams. We are About to Change the world so we do not have time for people that are not serious or do not want to work, cause this will probably be more work than your regular 9-5. so before requesting to be a part of this know what you want before you dive in

The First project will be a healing Retreat center (SunStainable is not open to the public before this center is finished)

After the Retreat center is finished we will start building and expanding SunStainable according to our teams desires



if your interested in joining you can find the contact information below

By Donating To SunStainable you help us Create a Garden of Eden where we can Thrive and create a future where we and our next generations can master their craft without having to worry about surviving.

we will repay you ten fold

0 - $100


you will receive a special gift with esoteric knowledge in the form of audiobooks, ebooks, videos & audio files worth $1000 on the Babylonian Market

$500 $1000


We will plant Fruit trees for you (by your choice) that you will harvest every season either if we ship it to you or you come pick it up yourself

$3.000 - $ 8.000

Lifetime Access to the Retreat Center when it is finished (Which is our first project) Come and go as you please or take your family for a vacation and a free healing retreat 

$10.000 - $40.000

You will get an area on our land where you decide what you want to build or plant as long as it is in the guidelines of our project and you are accepted in as a part of our team. The size will be dependent on the amount donated (When you are not on the property, it will be used by and for the community, But You have the authority over it and when you want to use it it will be available for you)

Become a Co-Creator


this is the same amount I have already set aside for the project this means you will be a co-creator.

this will give you exactly the same as the other co-creators are getting. Let's say we are 3 investors buying  30 Acres of land 10 Acres will be yours and for your plans as long as it aligns with all the Co-Creators plans and visions

(Contact Me For More Details)

(This does not need to be sent as a donation if you join before we have bought the land, then you will be buying the land alongside with us )


Meet The Creators

Chris SunShare


Enlightener & Guider of Truth

Knowledge Focus: Spirituality & Health

Co-Founder of SunStainable

profile picture (2).jpg

I Am The Creator Of SunStainable (A sustainable project) to help humankind go back to our roots and Thrive in earths elements. a place where we do not need money for our survival, The Venus Project is very similar to my Visions and plans for my project and depending on who will join me we will be expanding according to all of our desires.

My Visions and plans for the Project

All required for a comfortable and rich lifestyle will be focused on. First of all we are building the

Team House : 1 Private room for all The Co-Creators. living room,kitchen and a planing/meeting space.

as well as an indoor kitchen we will have an outdoor kitchen close to a fireplace and outdoor lounge.

outdoor gym and open space for yoga etc  

As we expand we will be building Libraries, a Private School for the gods (Free), Study and alchemy room (most likely integrated into the God-School



Founder of a Food Prep Company

Personal Trainer / Online Coach

Knowledge Focus: Health,Psychology,Spirituality

Co-Creator of SunStainable


Matthew rose



electromagnetic hypersensitivity Researcher

Knowledge Focus:Agriculture,AnimalCare

skills: Farming, Building,HandyMan

Co-Creator of SunStainable


I've had a dream of creating my own camp zion for years but it wasn't until I met Chris and heard his idea and we combined our powers together to manifest this project into reality !! As a person suffering from EMF allergies in the city surrounded by 5g towers, getting to a healthy environment with other like-minded people to help heal and support each other in a community-style living is the goal. I'll be living in a house with everyone and working all day With skills such as farming, building, researching, networking, group cooking, group leader, hospitality, animal care, focus to help make an area for people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome from metal poisoning, radiation poisoning, or mold detox. Building a large library and mini homes for members."

If Your Interested in joining You can reach out to me in the form below or 

Email :

Instagram: CSunShare

TeleGram : ChrisSunshare


FaceBook : Chris Sunshare

InstaGram : CSunShare

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Legal Notice: All information you read on this site does not constitute a form of diagnosis, treatment to follow, nutritional advice or proposal to heal but readings for information on these topics and syntheses information found on the internet, podcast, interviews and in books. I am not a medical doctor or nutritionist and you are invited to consult your doctor or any other qualified health practitioner if you wish to take nutritional or lifestyle steps for your health.

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