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Health is very extensive and has alot of contradictions when it comes to claims of what is healthy. i have studied health for 10 years. and trust me when i say it has been a ride of contradictions, and alot of misinformation. and my journey is faaar from done, My search for the ultimate way to sustain and utilize the body in the most sufficient manner is endless.

What i have come to understand is that General Health is all about Balance. and figuring out how you want to live. what makes you happy ! being happy and laughter is healing your body. 

so many lies.. where do i start.. Lets start with the one where they told us that our body attacks itself in any kind of way. that is wrong the only thing your body is doing all the time is trying to stay alive, therefore it is always working on Cleansing,Reparing,healing the entire system what we must do is to learn to listen and understand it. and most times the problem comes from foreign substances that we have ingested... 

Which is why often times your dis-ease can be cured by simply abstaining from whatever lifestyle choices that caused it.

This is why fasting and meditation are so effective.

Fasting is so powerful cause you give the body time to repair and fix its damages.

as i am always moving i like to do a juice fast or a tea fast for a couple of days to be able to continue to work and physically active. if you do a water fast you should relax and don't use a lot of energy all tho this is not my favorite way this can speed of the process of eliminating poison from the body.

If  You Do a juice fast try to get raw and unheated, most companies heats the juice to make it last longer and this destroys about 30% of the Nutrients in the juice. you can also juice it yourself this is more expensive if you do not grow it yourself but the most ideal way of doing it. but I'm sure you can find a good brand in your country. i have found one in my country.

If  You Do a Tea Fast make sure you not only choose tea with caffeine choose some caffeine free as well, i recommend caffeine free when fasting, when your not fasting you can add anything of your choice, i like to add a slice of ginger, 50/50 Honey / Raw Agave Sirup, Brain Flow, Fulvic Acid and Trace Ocean Minerals from Zuma (if you want to buy supplements from zuma you can use "CSunShare" for 15% off. my point is just put a lot of nutrients in it and a drink like this i drink this daily not just for fasting.

This Should also be done with your water. put some minerals in it. the water in our body is not plain water it consist of minerals. Cleanse your water if you don't know where your water comes from. i use a water distiller, there are many different options out there. since a water distiller removes everything from the water i have to put minerals back into it, "right now I'm experimenting with drinking more tea loaded with nutrients rather than water with a little bit of minerals. "Update about this will come at a later date"

i Recommend implementing intermittent fasting into your life style 5-2 or whatever you feel is right for you. intermittent fasting is going without food 12-18 hours, skipping breakfast or extending breakfast to lunch times. is a great and easy way to do it. taking advantage of the hours we are asleep. what might be harder is to stop eating at a certain time. If you want to fast for 18 hours, your eating window will be 6 hours so if you take your first meal 12pm your last meal should be 6pm but even if you fail and end it at 8pm you will still get 16 hours which will do wonders for you if you implement this into your lifestyle. what you will realize as you go is that the less you consume the better your body works. it only needs the fuel to operate at the best possible capabilities which is my life long research aswell,

as our body constantly heals and does everything it can to stay alive. we can see evidence of this in our own life as the body heals everytime, all the time. but sometimes unfortunately there has been to much consumption of foreign matter that the body could not rid off in time..As our body tries to survive off of anything we give it, we have certenly seen evidence of "BAD FOOD" but for the problem to occur that "BAD FOOD" needs to be over consumed, if you would have just a little bit it wouldn't hurt you. 

so i have been thinking about this a lot... and wouldn't it be nice to have everything your body needs in a few bottles, instead of having to measure and eat all this FAKE FOOD that is available.. if you get your food from a local farmer or grow it yourself, and you know the nutrients in the foods are optimal then it becomes possible, but its still a lot of work and a lot to manage. instead of  taking consentrated natural Non-GMO supplements, it becomes so much easier to make food. i usually will have a smoothie for lunch and an Avocado salad for dinner. and I'm always sipping on tea loaded with nutrients.

Less is more. just think about it. if i over eat my body will have a hard time digesting everything, it will take more energy to digest all that food, the chance of parasites increases (more or less depending on what you eat) which is why i recommend a Quartly Parasite Detox. when the parasites come i will have to eat more for my body to get what it needs, cause the parasites will eat some of the food... most likely the parasite wont do any more damage than that if it stays in your colon, if it gets out and into a different area of the body then it will most likely cause severe health threatening diseases.

if i detox and remove all the excess fat,mucus,poison,whatever is foreing or to much of my body will work in a more sufficient manner and everything i consume will be easier and more efficiently absorbed and used by my body. makes sense right ? as there are so many contradictions on health we have to turn to ourselves and start listening to our body and experimenting and becoming our own doctor. in my opinion we should not be dependent on anyone for the most important things in life, for me that is. Health, Truth, Spirituality, Freedom. and i will continue to strive to give you the best of these topics and beyond

Make Sure Your Food Comes From a Good Source

if you choose to eat meat get it from a animal that has had a good life and grass fed
same with eggs get it from chickens who have eaten natural food. the difference in nutrition is big 

your fruit and veggies preferably from your own garden or from a place you know remineralizes the soil before planting anything and do not use to much harmful pesticides. 

as you might agree with me this is all a big head ache xD which is why i LOVE intermittent fasting and making special herbal blends in my tea to fuel most of my body nutrient needs.

What I'm saying is focus on getting the nutrients the body needs and eat a little bit "healthy" and a little bit of what you want to eat and when you eat it you program the food, you speak life and gratitude into it to transform the molecules into something that will benefit you. this has been proven in masuru emoto's water experiment and countless other experiments around the world with rice, plants etc

Thank you !  a powerful spell, its actually an attraction spell what you are grateful for will be attracted to you. your feelings acts as magnets. but you must feel the gratitude, the words you speak will only act as an anchor to that feeling you want to feel.

one easy yet powerful way to increase your Gratitude is writing down 5-10 things your Gratefull for everyday. sounds to simple to work but it does, because the longer you stay in that Gratitude feeling the more it will benefit you. it is mysterious just like your spirit

its all about finding the balance and being disciplined in the rules you have set for yourself. 

i always think for myself and do not believe just anything i hear, i ask questions and often answer them myself based on new and updated research and this is the unfolding of figuring and remembering more and more of ourselves


To Be Continued


What i Do

My Focus is on Health, Spirituality, T.L.F Freedom, Self Sufficiency and Empowering the Ordinary Person.


T.L.f Freedom

T.L.F Stands for Time, Location & Financial Freedom which is one of my Focuses


Empowering You

One Of My Missions are Empowering You With Important and Helpful information.







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