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Health knowledge
The most important thing when we want to develop ourselves and reach our goals is how healthy our mind and body is so that we have the energy and determination to continue to work on our dreams after our normal jobs, this is why this is so hard to do, most people use all their energy and creativity at their job and then they are exhausted when they get home, and that's why I'm going to tell you how to have more energy throughout the day and also tricks to restore your energy.



Food are such an important subject for operating at your best and having that energy and drive that you need to succeed, if you give your body what it needs and ONLY what it needs to function at an optimal level you will have  energy, drive, inspiration, creativity and a clear mind 


To operate at our best we need to figure out what our body does not want and what it needs,


As I'm sure you all know refined sugar is very dangerous to our body, Your first goal should be to eliminate refined sugar or as much sugar as possible. sugar makes our body age faster and wrecks our immune system and overall health.


so remove the refined sugars and indulge in all the fruits that your body craves to remove the sugar cravings that we all get when we stop consuming refined sugars cause as you might know refined sugar are addicting and that makes it even more dangerous.


Eat more plant-based food that's where you will find the most nutrients i would also recommend cutting down on meat and dairy products.

70% Raw - 30% Cooked food

Try not to mix Meat with Wheat in the same meal

Remember to also reward yourself with your favorite treat one burger a month will not hurt you if you are disciplined.


Don't overeat, St. Louis University researchers have confirmed that eating less helps you age slower, they found that limiting calories lowered production of  T3, a thyroid hormone that slows metabolism and speeds up the aging process



Water is extremely important to our health and for our body to function properly, after all our body consists mostly of water.


water is the primary building block of our cells, water also flushes toxins and waste from the body.


Water helps improve mental performance


So do yourself a favor and drink some more water, drinking too much can be dangerous, the recommendations of how much water we are supposed to drink a day are varied, just listen to your body, drink water when your thirsty and it's nice to start the day with 1 or 2 glasses of water.


Refined Sugar

Benefits of not eating sugar


Increased Brain Power :

Studies shows that sugar hinders such activities as learning and memorizing things



You'll have a much better mood : studies show that sugar causes dopamine spike, emotional and physical crash this causes shorter tempers, lowers our patience is also shows that people who eat very little sugar or none at all, are rarely diagnosed with depression


More balanced Emotionally and Mentally:

Sugar blocks Chromium receptors and depletes our body of Vitamin B , both of these helps to balance our emotional chemicals



You will sleep better  Which is key to improving performance and productivity


Increased Focus: in a recent study done by UCLA they found that sugar forms free radicals in the brain, compromising the nerve cells' ability to communicate, this causes a foggy and less effective brain.



Exercising is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy, it increases our mood makes our memory better, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep 


In this stressful age we are living in meditation is a must to calm our thoughts and stress levels 


meditation actually has 76 Scientific benefits some of them are


Some studies indicate that only 20 minutes of meditation every day will be the start of these benefits

Meditation increases grey matter in the brain which has benefits such as better memory and learning, a better sense of self, and more regulated emotions

The picture below is a brain scan after an experiment of a mindfulness course of eight weeks


Stress is one of our worst enemies

Long term stress weakens our immune system it can also make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep it can even lead to depression

What we can do to Reduce Stress

⦁    Deep breathing

⦁    Meditation 
⦁    Yoga
⦁    Eating Healthy 

⦁    Be in the present moment 
⦁    Getting Enough Sleep
⦁    Spending time with people you like and doing things you love
⦁    Listening to Calming music 
⦁    Be in a Positive MindState and feel good emotions



Good sleep can improve concentration and productivity it maximizes athletic performances it also improves your immune function


a study was done where they found that those who sleep for 7 hours or less were almost three times more likely to get a cold than those who slept for 8 hours or more




Sunlight hits special areas in the retina, which triggers the release of serotonin, Exercise, a healthy diet, and meditation will also increase our serotonin levels.


Serotonin has a lot of functions some of these are:


Reduces Depression : Low levels of serotonin have shown to cause depression


Regulates Your mood the Natural way :

Improves brain function

Increases happiness

Makes us calmer

More focused and Regulates Anxiety 

Improves sleep quality 

Enhances our immune system



Grounding / Earthing


Grounding or Earthing is When we connect with the earth


When our feet connect with either the grass, mud or sand it has a number of benefits some of these are:


Improved sleep and it makes it easier to fall asleep

Increased Energy

Reduces Stress and promotes calmness by reducing cortisol the stress hormone

Speeds up the bodies healing process



it's also possible to use an earthing sheet which is used to sleep on which is a very powerful way to reap these benefits.

More information on Grounding Here




Dopamine has intense benefits if controlled but it can also have negative effects if we are not careful with what we do to trigger dopamine release.



Dopamine is responsible for Motivation

Helps with Learning and Memory

increases our Focus and Attention

Help keep us Awake and Alert

Increases Creativity


But Dopamine is also involved with Addictions this include porn addiction and any other type of addictions, this is why we have to get rid of all addictions, the more dopamine that is released by addictions the harder it is to get it the natural way which is harder but more rewarding and effective for your performance. to High levels of dopamine can cause aggression it can also cause Vitamin B6 Deficiency, drugs will release high levels of dopamine as well as other addictions such as nicotine, sugar, etc



Some ways to increase your Dopamine levels the Natural and healthy way is :


  1. Sunlight

  2. Yoga

  3. The right music

  4. Exercise

  5. Meditation

  6. Green tea

  7. Ginko Biloba (SuperFood)

  8. Ginseng

  9. Magnesium

  10. Almonds, Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Beets, Coffee, Green leafy vegetables, Peanuts, Turmeric


Cold Showers


A Cold shower is a good way to start the day as its wakes you up and has a lot of benefits some of these are. to make it easier for yourself you can shower in hot water and in the last 2 minutes you change to cold water.



  • Builds Strong Will Power

  • reduces stress: this is because the cold water will lower the levels of uric acid and boost levels of glutathione in our blood and this makes us less stressed.

  • Increases Testosterone

  • Improves Blood Circulation and Immunity

  • Relieves Depression

  • Increases Alertness

  • Improves Emotional Resilience


You can start off with a normal hot shower and then finish of with some cold water this makes it much easier to achieve this cause you will actually enjoy the cold water at the start it will be harder and harder to endure which is why this builds Will Power. 


To get the most benefits out of cold showers we should aim for 3-5 minutes, Start with 30 sec or 1 minute and build up your tolerance.


Diseases are not able to exist in a balanced and alkaline state

we need to understand how our body works and what it needs for it to be able to heal at the maximum capacity 

We need to get rid of everything that does not serve our body, some of these includes​

Refined Sugar

Processed foods

everything that's not natural 

Get rid of Fluoride, which can be found in most toothpaste, 
aspartame is another dangerous one (used as a sweetener in many products)

it is recommended to transition to a 70% raw diet.

our body will then get into its normal state which is an alkaline state, no diseases can exist in an alkaline state.


fasting is a great way to detox our system from all the formed mucus and poison which has been accumulated by all the years of wrong eating, 

i recommend starting with intermittent fasting, and this should be something that we do throughout our life for optimal health,

intermittent fasting is basically going without food for 14-18 hours, this makes it easier for our body to function properly and heal itself on a more rapid level.

fasting should be combined with eating right, fruits are the fastest way to detox and cleanse our system, we got to be careful however cause it might be a bit too much mucus built up in the body which will be to much for our body to handle at one time, if this is the case then we should eat more vegetables which also cleanse but now as fast as fruits.


i recommend reading a book by prof.erhet

"The mucusless diet healing system" will teach you everything you need to know 

The Mental

This step can have the most extraordinary results but is also the hardest one to master since most of us have lived our life with a lot of negative thoughts which destroys our health, stress is one of them,


its now scientifically proven that stress destroys the harmony and function of our body and mind, we have to understand that our cells are always reproducing and we are in control of the formation of the new cells 

if we are in the right state of mind, feeling good with positive and healthy thoughts then our cells will become just that healthy.

if we have unhealthy thoughts, fear, stress etc then we will create unhealthy cells.

i would recommend to start listening to Sleep programming and positive affirmations at least 20 minutes a day, to reprogram our thoughts,

our subconscious are what dictates most of our thoughts and behavior this is why we need to reprogram it (very important)

i also urge you to learn to see the positive in every situation, even the worst ones, there are always a positive side to everything ALWAYS,


i challenge you to find something that which you cannot find anything positive in and then let me know (send me a message at the bottom of the page)


You need to adopt the belief that everything is possible, there is so much evidence out in the world proving this today, the water experiment by Mr.Emoto is one of them, also watch The Secret and the 7 hermetic principles.


Meditation for stress


Meditation is the best way to get rid of stress and balance your emotions, we have to be the masters of our emotions we have to be in control and not the other way around which is the case for most people today.


Implementing meditation every day, if that means only 10 minutes a day, 

and we do not need to sit still in a crossed leg position to meditate...

meditation means being in the moment without thoughts and feelings so practice this, go out in nature and just breath deeply and observe.

Doesn't it make sense that when our mind is at ease then our body will also be at ease? 

breathing deeply is also another stress killer, its so gaaaa damn easy we just have to know what to implement.



get as much sun as your body are able to handle, watch out for sunburn use coconut oil or a natural sunscreen to protect yourself, DO NOT USE ordinary sunscreens...


This is a step only for the Men

Semen retention, simple do not get an orgasm and if you must then keep it to 1-2 times a month, its vital minerals and vitamins in our sperm which will be absorbed by our body when we make new and fresh sperm, pretty simple

The benefits of abstaining from masturbation is incredible.


some of these benefits that are related to better performance are:


Increased Energy and Testosterone, Some benefits of Testosterone are Better cognition and enhanced mood

Increased Self Confidence and Self Control


Enhanced Mental Clarity, Less brain fog, increased memory cognitive function, and optimism


What i Do

My Focus is on Health, Spirituality, T.L.F Freedom, Self Sufficiency and Empowering the Ordinary Person.


T.L.f Freedom

T.L.F Stands for Time, Location & Financial Freedom which is one of my Focuses


Empowering You

One Of My Missions are Empowering You With Important and Helpful information.






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